An innovative EdTech platform leveraging AI-driven technology to offer solutions to diverse topics.
EZSmarts bridges complex problems and easy solutions. Now learning can be easy, convenient and effective for everyone, anywhere, anytime. Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge
Platform Features
Ask a question
Ask questions on any subject from the most basic to the most complex. Get help on an assignment, lesson or course. Find your ideal matched Educator to answer and for one-on-one tutoring.
Career Growth Guidance
With practical knowledge and first-hand advice from professionals, rest assured to get crystal clear ideas for your career.
Win Scholarships
With EZsmarts, you can ace your academics as well as extracurriculars. Participate in interesting quizzes and competitions to bag exciting scholarships
How does EZSMarts work?
Step 1: Ask a question of your choice.
Step 2: The Learning Search Engine algorithms will work to compare your requirements with multiple experts worldwide and get you the right answer in the shortest possible time.
Step 3: Still need more clarification, get a one-to-one session with an expert
Breaking Barriers To Let Every Individual Gain Knowledge. EZsmarts makes smart learning easy by advocating a peer-to-peer learning and teaching environment.